• Skylights

    Energy savings can be one reason why people consider adding skylights to homes or are attracted to homes with them already installed. Along with additional light provided they can give energy savings up to 15% when coupled with efficient windows and doors and improved ventilation. They are a significant risk of moisture entry and leaks however and are a starting point for inspection of attics and roofs especially if they pre date 1995. 
  • Urea Formaldehide

    Should you be concerned that there is a possibility that there is UFFI insulation installed in a home that you are considering then a certificate should be available if the material was removed by a certified contractor. Another option is to sample the air quality  this will not confirm absolutely that there is none of this insulation existing as over time it degasses but confirms its lack of airborne contaminants.
  • Electrical Faults

    Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) warns the public that 33% of residential fires reported by the office of the Ontario Fire Marshal are associated with electrical wiring and equipment.This includes: electrical circuit wiring, damaged or improperly rated extension cords or cables,breaker/fuse panels, light fixtures (luminaires), receptacles and switches. Fires are prevalent in both copper and aluminum wiring systems. Investigations of these electrical fires identified that 34% are attributed to incorrect or improper installation and/or procedure.
  • Heating - Boilers

    TSSA Mandated Inspection; Water Boilers that are fueled by Propane and Natural Gas, are naturally draughted and are less than 300,000 Btu in size (this would be most that would be installed in residential homes) have a mandatory inspection required for Carbon Monoxide emissions and unless they have less than 100 ppm then they must be shut down until they can be serviced/repaired. This inappropriate operation can be caused by lack of maintenance or by inferior installation.
  • Roofing

    Although many authorities advise that multiple layers of asphalt shingles can be acceptable there are definate reductions in longevity resulting, up to 50% of life can be lost by each subsequent thickness of shingles applied over another. This also reduces the possibilties of inspection / replacement of flashings and sheathing when not removing the worn out shingles. Did you know also that when sheathing has to be replaced a building permit is required as this is a significant part of the buildings structure.
  • Septic Systems

    Septic system regulation changes have arrived!For the first time ever regulations on a home that are retroactive not just for new homes, these driven by environmental concerns from the Walkerton enquiry. If you have or are looking at a home that has a septic system installed them inspections to confirm appropriate operation are coming and then will be every 5 years thereafter assuming enough inspectors can be trained.
  • New Home Inspections

    I was involved with an inspection recently which shows the value of inspections of new builds, especially for property virgins as some call first time buyers. Even experienced home owners don't always know all the specifics of a homes systems and can be starry eyed and caught up in the moment.
  • Even New Homes

    All homes need TLC and maintenance.Electrical panels should have the screws retorqued on the terminals inside the electrical panel by an approved technician approx 12 months after installation / occupation. This is due to loosening of these connections caused by initial expansion / contraction of the connections and the wire itself and settling of the terminals screw connections.A symptom of this could be fluctuations noted in the lighting of a particular room.
  • Bacterial Growth

    You will never see the word "Mould" indicated on my inspection reports unless it can be inconclusively determined that there is a mould issue, as particularly insurance and mortgage companies can become quite concerned about this matter let alone the stresses created for homeowners and possible purchasors.
  • Chimneys

    This part of your structure along with the roof is very often neglected as they are out of your normal field of vision. Chimneys should be cleaned regularly, particularly if the fuel used is wood as the black deposits, soot and creosote, are a fire hazard if they build up in excess of 1/8" coating. This can also void your insurance if you have no documented proof of cleaning and a chimney fire develops. Ensure you have a rain cap on your chimney as moisture inside can create deterioration of the mortar and bricks themselves on masonry chimneys or rusting will result in steel chimneys.