Estimates for Repairs
The following costs are intended as ballpark estimates for repairs and/or improvements to a typical three bedroom home. Experience has shown that actual contractor quotations can vary by as much as 300%. Naturally, the quality of workmanship and materials will influence costs. The complexity of the job, accessibility and even economic conditions can also alter actual costs.
Roofing / Flashings / Chimneys Install conventional asphalt shingles over existing shingles $2.00 – $4.00 per sq.ft. Strip and reshingle with conventional asphalt shingles $2.75– $5.50 per sq.ft. Strip and reshingle with premium quality asphalt shingles $5.00 – $10.00 per sq .ft. Strip and re-roof with cedar shingles $9.00 – $18.00 per sq .ft. Strip and replace built-up tar and gravel roof $10.00 – $20.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000) Strip and replace single-ply membrane $10.00 – $20.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000) Reflash typical skylight or chimney $500.00 – $1000.00 Rebuild typical chimney above roof line $25.00 – $50.00 per row of bricks (min. $400) Rebuild typical single flue chimney above roof line $200.00 – $400.00 per lin.ft. (min. $1000) Exterior Install galvanized or aluminum gutters and downspouts $5.00 – $10.00 per lin.ft. (min. $500) Install aluminum soffits and fascia $8.00 – $16.00 per lin.ft. Install aluminum or vinyl siding $6.00 – $12.00 per sq.ft. Repoint exterior wall (soft mortar) $3.00 – 6.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500) Repoint exterior wall (hard mortar) $5.00 – $10.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500) Parge foundation walls $3.00 – $6.00 per sq.ft. Dampproof foundation walls and install weeping tile $150.00 – $300.00 per lin.ft. (min. $3000) Install a deck $25.00 – $50.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000) Resurface existing asphalt driveway $2.00 – $4.00 per sq.ft. Install interlocking brick driveway $8.00 – $16.00 per sq.ft. Rebuild exterior basement stairwell $5000.00 and up Build detached garage $70.00 – $140.00 per sq.ft. Build retaining wall (wood) $20.00 – $40.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500) Build retaining wall (concrete) $30.00 – $60.00 per sq.ft. (min $500) Painting (trim only) $2000.00 – $4000.00 and up Painting (trim and wall surfaces) $5000.00 and up Structure Underpin one corner of house $5000.00 and up Underpin or add foundations $300.00 and up per lin.ft. (min. $3000) Lower basement floor by underpinning and/or bench footings $150.00 – $300.00 per lin.ft. (min. $5000) Replace deteriorating sill beam with concrete $60.00 and up per lin.ft. (min. $2000) Install basement support post with proper foundation $800.00 – $1600.00 Perform chemical treatment for termites $2000.00 and up Repair minor crack in poured concrete foundation $400.00 – $800.00 Electrical Upgrade electrical service to 100 amps (including new panel) $1200.00 – $3000.00 Upgrade electrical service to 100 amps (if suitably sized panel already exists) $800.00 – $1600.00 Upgrade electrical service to 200 amps $1700.00 – $3500.00 Install new circuit breaker panel $700.00 – $1400.00 Replace circuit breaker (20 amp or less) $100.00 – $200.00 Add 120 volt circuit (microwave, freezer, etc.) $150.00 – $300.00 Add 240 volt circuit (dryer, stove, etc.) $300.00 – $600.00 Add conventional receptacle $200.00 – $400.00 Replace conventional receptacle with ground fault circuit receptacle $70.00 -$140.00 Replace conventional receptacle with aluminum compatible type (CO/ALR)(assuming several are required) $60.00 – $120.00 ea. Upgrade entire house with aluminum compatible receptacles, connectors, etc. $1000.00 – $2000.00 Rewire electrical outlet with reversed polarity (assuming electrician already there) $5.00 – $10.00 ea. Replace knob & tube wiring with conventional wiring (per room) $1000.00 – $2000.00 Heating Install mid-efficiency forced-air furnace $2500.00 – $5000.00 Install high-efficiency forced-air furnace $3500.00 – $7000.00 Install humidifier $300.00 – $600.00 Install electronic air filter $800.00 – $1600.00 Install mid-efficiency boiler $3500.00 – $7000.00 Install high-efficiency boiler $6000.00 – $12000.00 Install circulating pump $400.00 – $600.00 Install chimney liner for gas appliance $500.00 – $1000.00 Install chimney liner for oil appliance $700.00 – $1800.00 Install programmable thermostat $200.00 – $400.00 Replace indoor oil tank $1200.00 – $2500.00 Remove oil tank from basement $600.00 and up Remove abandoned underground oil tank $10000.00 and up Replace radiator valve $300.00 – $600.00 Add electric baseboard heater $250.00 – $500.00 Convert from hot water heating to forced-air (bungalow) $10,000.00 – $20,000.00 Convert from hot water heating to forced-air (two storey) $15,000.00 – $30,000.00 Clean ductwork $300.00 – $600.00 Cooling / Heat Pumps Add central air conditioning on existing forced-air system $3000.00 and up Add heat pump to forced-air system $4000.00 – $8000.00 Replace heat pump or air conditioning condenser $1200.00 – $2500.00 Install independent air conditioning system $10,000.00 – $20,000.00 Install ductless air conditioning system $3000.00 – $7000.00 Insulation Insulate open attic to modern standards $0.80 – $1.60 per sq.ft. Blow insulation into flat roof, cathedral ceiling or wall cavity $2.00 – $4.00 per sq.ft. Improve attic ventilation $30.00 – $60.00 per vent Plumbing Replace galvanized piping with copper (two storey with one bathroom) $2500.00 – $5000.00 Replace water line to house $2000.00 and up Replace toilet $500.00 and up Replace basin, including faucets $750.00 and up Replace bathtub, including ceramic tile and faucets $2500.00 and up Install whirlpool bath, including faucets $3500.00 and up Retile bathtub enclosure $1000.00 – $2000.00 Replace leaking shower stall pan $1000.00 – $2000.00 Rebuild tile shower stall $2500.00 – $5000.00 Replace laundry tubs $400.00 – $800.00 Remodel four-piece bathroom completely $6000.00 – $50000.00 Connect waste plumbing system to municipal sewers $5000.00 and up Install submersible pump $1000.00 and up Install suction or jet pump $700.00 and up Install modest basement bathroom $6000.00 and up Interior Add drywall over plaster $4.00 – $8.00 per sq.ft. Sand and refinish hardwood floors $2.00 – $4.00 per sq.ft. Install replacement windows $40.00 – $120.00 per sq.ft. Install storm window $200.00 – $400.00 Install masonry fireplace (if flue already roughed-in) $3000.00 and up Install zero-clearance fireplace (including chimney) $3500.00 and up Install glass doors on fireplace $300.00 and up Install skylight $3000.00 Remodel kitchen completely $10,000.00 -$110,000.00 Install gas fireplace $3500.00 and up