• Health & Safety

    Please consider your homes safety should a fire breakout. At minimum homes MUST have smoke detectors installed appropriately (check batteries/function on a regular basis, the internal sensor has a life of approx 10 years), a better system incorporates Carbon Monoxide detection, an even better system includes a heat detector as if a fire burns hot enough and efficiently enough then the Bi-products of combustion will be negligable.
    Many retrofit Carbon Monoxide detectors plug into electrical outlets..... ensure they have a battery backup function. Better protection will be provided by a pure battery powered unit, or directly wired into an electrical circuit, as this can be placed at an elevated level. NOTE: Most electrical outlets are approx 18" above the floor, most beds are approx 24" above the floor. If you are trying to protect a sleeping person from CO poisoning.... THIS SITUATION IS INADEQUATE as CO is lighter than air so approaches you from above.
    Also regarding Electrical circuits in homes protected by magnetic circuit breakers. If you have a troublesome circuit that regularly trips then this needs replacing by a competant licensed electrical contractor, as each time it trips each successive time it is loaded it will be more likely to trip again as it deteriorates, also regarding Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI's) in the bathroom, kitchen or garden, these have a life cycle of 10 - 15 years and should be properly tested regularly, THIS IS A LIFE SAFETY ISSUE.