• April Showers

    At this time of year April Showers bring May Flowers they say, but they can also bring leaky basements. Be vigilent about monitoring potential basement leaks from cracks and check your sump pump, the lonely little piece of hardware in your cold storage or in the corner of the mechanical room. Test it regularly otherwise you may be facing a costly cleanup, consider adding an alarm to it to make you aware if the breaker drops out.
    Also keep an eye on the condensate drains from the Air Conditioner you maybe cranking up soon or the drain from the Hi Efficiency furnace that you installed under the now defunct Federal Energy Programme. Ensure there are no kinks or blockages of other types and they are still attached to the drain they are intended for. People don't realise that these 2 pieces of common equipment can generate 1 liter of water every 30 minutes.... potentially 24 hours per day.